Mad Men Finale Poll

    Okay, we’re all in the ad biz in one way or another. And probably an overwhelming majority of us are fans of Mad Men and watched the Mad Men Finale. On Sunday night, we saw Joan become a producer, Peggy fall in love, Betty afflicted with cancer,...

Crowdfunding + Social Media for Non-Profits

Crowdfunding campaigns are now an essential tool in the fundraising arsenal to get a project or company off the concept stage and into launch mode. The success of a crowd-funding campaign is largely dependent on how it is marketed; social media marketing and strategic...

Is It Time for a Digital Detox?

I was listening to a news story on my CBC app on my Apple Smart Phone when I was working out at 24 Hour Fitness. I looked out at the Pacific Ocean. It was as tranquil as serenity. I was surrounded by music playing to people wearing ear buds and TV monitors screaming...
A Brand is a Feeling, Not a Logic.

A Brand is a Feeling, Not a Logic.

One of my pet peeves in the marketing communications business is lack of consistency in marketing nomenclature among industry practitioners. If you ask six different agency people what a positioning statement is, you’ll most likely get six different answers (Once when...