Welcome to another edition of RFPODlooza, a podcast by and for advertising people. This week we visit with the Struck Agency in Salt Lake City, Utah, the agency responsible for the acclaimed “Utah, Life Elevated” campaign. They’re a small advertising agency with a big impact nationwide. CEO Andrew Howlett discusses his philosophy on the business as well as the the thinking behind some of the agency’s most notable campaigns.
About RFPalooza
Here’s how it works.
Signing up.
If you click on an RFP listed on the All RFPs page you will be redirected to the Registration page. If you are already registered you can click on Log In in the lower left hand corner of the page and proceed from there. If you desire to register, please fill in all the information and you will be processed through a secure PayPal service. And you can cancel at any time, either by calling (877-809-0592), emailing (roger@rfpalooza.com) or clicking the appropriate area on your profile page.
Finding RFPs.
Once registered, ALL RFPS are listed on a special page located in the drop down menu under the name Everything RFP. Simply click on the appropriate pages on that drop down and you will find the RFPs listed by closing date.
You can also view RFPs by Marcom Specialty or RFPs by Region by clicking on the appropriate titles on the Everything RFP drop down menu. The Freelance Exchange is also viewable by all members and is listed as a separate menu.
Determining the Right Plan.
Different Needs. Different Plans.
There are four different types of Premium Memberships:
Member – Large Agency: $44.95/month for agencies with over 40 employees. Allows access to the entire site.
Member – Small to Medium Agency: $29.95/month for agencies with less than 40 employees. Allows access to the entire site.
Freelance Exchange: $13.95/month. Allows access to the Freelance Exchange page ONLY.
Canada Only: $14.95/month. Allows access ONLY TO the page listing CANADA RFPs.
We hope you enjoy our service. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at roger@rfpalooza.com
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